Green Cleaning

A couple of years ago, we made a decision to become a "green" household. We recycle, conserve, re-use and buy local & organic food as much as possible. We even attempted to grow our own organic vegetables on the balcony. And we also switched to eco-friendly green cleaning products as an alternative to the conventional toxic cleaning products. The best part is that you can find most of these ingredients in your cupboard...

Here are some basic earth-friendly ingredients to stock up on and make your own cleaners for less:
1. Baking soda
2. Borax
3. Distilled white vinegar
4. Hydrogen peroxide
5. Lemons
6. Olive oil
7. Vegetable-based castile soap
8. Washing soda


Lemon Oil:

Wipe down or spray a small amount on glass shower doors. The lemon oil penetrates deeper and loosens the dirt. If needed, follow up with any other eco-friendly cleaner. Rinse well to get rid of excess oil. Dry surface and wipe with a cloth treated with a very small amount of lemon oil to prevent future hard water stain build-up. ONLY use a very small amount of oil and avoid making the tub/floor slippery.

Hydrogen Peroxide:
Apply to dislodge mildew and mold - remember to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Let it soak for 5 minutes and scrub with a grout brush (I just use an old toothbrush) and rinse.


Lemon Oil:

Use lemon oiled cloth to wipe the microwave to clean grease and fingerprints.

General Household Cleaner:
Mix together 1 tsp liquid soap, 1 tsp borax, a squeeze of lemon, and 1 quart of warm water.

General Disinfectant:
Mix together 1/4 cup borax and 1/2 gallon hot water.

Windows Cleaner:
Mix together 2 tsp vinegar and 1 quart warm water. Or, 2 tablespoons borax and 3 cups water.

Air Freshener:
Mix together 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp vinegar or lemon juice, and 2 cups hot water. Spritz from a spray bottle.

To find out what will work best for any cleaning job, Google "green cleaning recipes" and get scrubbing!

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